Monday, March 19, 2007


My father says we are related to Guy Fawkes. You know the guy that tried to blow up some parliment buildings in London or something like that? Well I feel my Fawkes side coming out strong right at this moment. Just spoke to Maintenance and there is steam literally coming out of my ears. They are now going to take my son's money and give it to another government department because they made a mistake in taking the money from the OTHER gov department and giving it to me. So pass the money back and forth between government departments when the entire purpose of the Maintenance department is to help parents raising a child alone out financially. So the child gets zip, never has gotten a penny of that money. His father pays the government for what? The departments getting his money have destroyed my son's life. The reason he cannot function in society. The reason I cannot go to work. The reason he has been tossed around from department to department and school to school. They have no idea what education level he is at even? He has not been to a normal school where they actually do school work and learn for over 4 years. What happened to the Canadian constitution and every human beings basic rights? To education, food, stability and equality? Oh yah, that is all one big pile of crap that looks good on parchement but means diddly squat in a real human beings life. Why? Because the government is allowed to lie, steal, and cheat without a single criminal charge or consequence. How? By passing the buck from department to department so the 'Real' human being in the middle of it is so frustrated and confused they have no choice but to shut up and give up.

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